Zahedi Dates

zahedi date

Zahedi Dates or (Qasab Dates) are one of the dried dates in the world.

The range of cultivation of Zahedi dates in Iran is so large that it starts from the southwestern regions of the country such as Kermanshah (Qasr Shirin), Khuzestan, Bushehr province and is cultivated up to Hormozgan province and south of Fars province.

Due to its relatively low price and rich properties, it is very popular and especially diabetics can use it as a sugar. The best type of Zahedi date (Qasab Dates) has a light brown or chocolate brown color.

Zahedi or Qasab dates, which is called Zahedi in Arabic, is one of the attractive dates for export to Arab and African countries, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Zahedi date consumption statistics

It is interesting to know that in general, a volume equivalent to thousands of tons is harvested net from all over the country. From this amount, a large volume of domestic consumption and a large volume are prepared for export and exported directly and indirectly to neighboring and European countries.

Iran is one of the best lands for planting and harvesting this crop due to its diverse climate, and fortunately the harvest rate of this crop in Iran is very suitable.

Bushehr, Fars and Hormozgan provinces have the largest share in the production of this product.

The hot and dry climate of these areas has provided very good conditions for the growth of the best samples of Zahedi dates in these areas.

Unique properties of Zahedi dates

Dates are a fruit that has countless properties. Many benefits and properties are common in dates, but in any case, the amount of these properties may vary depending on the date and place of harvest. But in general, Zahedi dates have the following properties:

  • The sugar in dates is a type of fructose that not only does not cause blood sugar but is also effective for weight loss.
  • This date facilitates the absorption of vitamins and antioxidants due to its catalyst.
  • The nature of this date is warm and it is very suitable for people with a cold temperament.
  • Excess manganese in these dates relieves nerves
  • This date has many vitamins, including vitamins C, B1, B2
  • Zahedi dates have extremely high minerals, the most important of which are magnesium, iron, potassium, manganese, calcium
  • Zahedi dates are rich in fiber, which is why people with digestive problems should include it in their food basket.
  • These dates control and reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood and are very good for heart health.
  • Potassium from Zahedi dates is also very useful for relieving fatigue and muscle pain, especially after strenuous exercise.
  • The calories in Zahedi dates are very low
  • Calcium in Zahedi dates is very high and therefore useful for bones
  • Zahedi dates are high in iron, which is recommended for anemia
  • This date is rich in antioxidants that are very useful in preventing the growth of cancer cells.

PayvandGroup: Supplier of Iran Dates

PayvandGroup as one of key supplier of Iranian Dates especially Zahedi Date, handpick its raw-materials from its networks of local farmers, carefully selecting each item, always ensuring consistent and premium quality.

date nutrition facts

One thought on “Zahedi Dates

  • February 23, 2021 at 3:36 am
    پیوند یکتا

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