Date Exports to Australia

payvand dates

At present, large quantities of dates are exported to Australia annually, among which the share of Iranian date exports is very small. and countries such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE have this suitable market.

Iranian date export companies, traders and exporters of dates have been very active in regional markets such as date exports to Pakistan, date exports to Russia and date exports to Iraq.
Exporters are trying to find new markets, and exporting to Australia has been one of those goals.

In recent years, Iranian exporters have made efforts to export dates to Australia. But due to poor marketing and lack of proper packaging, we have not been able to obtain a good position in exports to this country. Piarom and Mazafati dates are among the types of dates exported from Iran to Australia.

Due to Iran’s weak international relations with Australia, dates are exported to Australia through intermediary countries, and Iranian traders use countries such as Malaysia and the UAE to export dates to Australia.

Payvand Company: The largest exporter of Iranian dates to Australia

Payvand Group, as one of the largest and key exporters of Iranian dates to the world, proudly announces that it is ready to cooperate fully to provide the highest quality Iranian dates for export to Australia.

For more information please contact our sales department

How to store dates?

storage dates

Dates are one of the most important agricultural products in Iran, which with their high sugar content, appropriate amounts of vitamins and minerals can be considered as the main food. With the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, the tendency towards this nutritious food increases.

The growth stages of date fruit include Kimri, Khalal or khark, Rutab and Tamr or dates and we should know that dates are more perishable in the early stages of growth due to high humidity.

Dates can be divided into three categories based on texture and appearance: soft, semi-dry and dry. For long-term storage of dates, the process of dehumidification or drying is done on them, which prevents microbial spoilage, including rot in the dates.

Storage of Mazafati dates

For example, Mazafati date should be consumed after harvest or stored properly; Otherwise, it becomes acidic due to the activity of microbes (including fungi).

Acidity occurs as a result of the conversion of sugar present in dates to acid. Therefore, low temperature is used for storing and transporting dates.

Proper packaging of dates is another effective factor in long-term storage of dates. Packaging protects the product from damage caused by movement, moisture, dust, pests and other damages.

High power to absorb ambient moisture

Dates are one of the products that easily absorb environmental moisture, so proper packaging plays an important role in the shelf life of the product.

Common packaging includes plastic bags made of polyethylene, sewing bags and placing the bags in small cartons, picking dates in disposable containers, using cellophane cover (cellophane) and packaging under special vacuum Cited.

Dates can be stored at room temperature and refrigerated based on the amount of moisture. Dried dates should be stored at room temperature away from direct sunlight and in a dry place; While soft dates for long-term storage should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

Payvand Company: Key Supplier Of Iranian Dates

Proper supply and supply of dates is always one of the most important concerns of buyers of this product. Payvand Company proudly announces that after years of experience with the presence of its experts in this field, it is always ready to provide advice and supply the dates needed by esteemed customers. For more information, please contact the company’s sales department.

Special Dates For Ramadan

ramadan dates

Dates are rich in antioxidants and fiber, and their daily consumption is necessary and useful for the body of all people of all ages. The fiber in dates will prevent gastrointestinal cancer, and by eating dates daily, you will have a better excretion. There are different types of dates, one of the most popular of which is Mazafati dates. Mazafati Dates are one of the most delicious and popular types of dates in the world. By eating dates, you can lower bad cholesterol and help treat constipation, increase energy levels and keep your bones healthy. This fruit is also effective in improving the health of your heart, and the antioxidants it contains prevent atherosclerosis. By consuming dates regularly and in moderation, you will avoid the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The holy month of Ramadan is a dear and important month in many Islamic countries. Muslims fast during this month and break their fast during Iftar. They lose a lot of energy because they avoid eating and drinking during the day. Therefore, during Iftar, it is very important to eat healthy and nutritious foods that can restore the lost energy to the body over time. Dates, as one of the most important foods recommended by nutritionists during Iftar, can provide the necessary and useful energy for the body. The highest consumption of dates in Muslim countries is during Ramadan and the most consumed date is Mazafati dates.

Payvand Group: Mazafati Dates Exporter

Payvand Group, as one of the largest suppliers of dates in Iran, always and throughout the year, sends the best quality Mazafati dates to its customers around the world. We always recommend our customers to order their Ramadan dates, according to the distance dimension, before the beginning of this month so that due to the large volume of orders and limited opportunity to supply dates, they do not encounter with a special difficulty in receiving their products

Light Mazafati Dates

light mazafati dates

Mazafati dates are one of the most consumed and delicious types of dates in Iran as well as the world. Mazafati dates are cultivated in the tropical regions of southern Iran, including the cities of Bam, Jiroft and Saravan.These dates are very nutritious and high in calories.

Types of Mazafati dates

Mazafati dates have different quality and types based on the production area.Mazafati dates in Bam have a shiny black color and higher quality due to the suitable climate for palm growth.Bam Mazafati Rotab is famous and best-selling in the market.

The term sight seeing of date, which is used when buying and selling dates, is related to the color of dates. To buy this date, you need to pay attention to its color and the amount of date syrup. If you are going to buy dates for sale in the domestic market, usually choose heavy weights and meat dates. Export dates are usually lighter and have a higher shelf life due to less syrup.

Exporters usually prepare and export light Mazafati dates for export. This is because both in terms of storage and transportation conditions, it has more suitable and simple conditions than heavy Mazafati dates.

Payvand Company: Mazafati Dates Supplier

Producing high quality dates is always one of the most important concerns of importers and exporters of this product. Payvand Company, by employing the experts of this industry along with years of experience in the export and trade of dates, gives the assurance to its customers that they can buy the products they need from this company with peace of mind.

Price of Mazafati Dates

mazafati dates price

Due to the increase in supply and demand at certain times of the year, the price of Mazafati dates will fluctuate.

Accordingly, it is usually the case that in the date harvest season, such as summer, due to the high production of Mazafati dates, the price reaches its best and this product can be purchased cheaper, but this flow is not necessarily always correct.

However, the amount of date production in the country is appropriate and even in other seasons, this product can be bought and sold in the required amount.

The price of export dates has always been one of the concerns of people when buying, and in this regard, the distribution of dates in the country has taken a new shape.

Of course, you should always keep in mind that price alone does not affect the quality of dates, and to prepare quality dates, in addition to the price, other parameters such as the amount of date juice, method of harvesting and collection of dates, date packaging method , The place of storage of dates, the degree of observance of hygienic points in the process of harvesting and packaging of dates, the company or individuals supplying dates and their executive records, the existence of necessary standards for dates, color and appearance of dates and date of harvest should also be considered.

Payvand Company: The Largest Dates Supplier

Payvand Company, using the knowledge of its experts and years of experience in the field of date exports, has always gone beyond providing dates for its customers, trying to be the best consultant for them in order to make the best decision to buy dates. If you are new to buying dates, we suggest that you take advantage of the knowledge and expertise of our partners in the company so that you can make the best decision for your purchase.

Jiroft Mazafati Dates

jiroft mazafati date

Mazafati dates can be considered as one of the most delicious and hearty types of dates in the world. Especially since this date is mostly used in the form of Rotab and there are few people who do not feel very good after eating a seed of Mazafati date. This date, which has an attractive black color, has a moisture content of 15% to 35%, depending on the time of harvest from the tree and its planting location, and its seed size is usually between 2.5 to 4.5 cm. Its main homeland in Iran is Bam and Jiroft in Kerman Province. Jiroft Mazafati Date is one of the best types of dates in Iran in terms of domestic market.

Payvand Company: Mazafati Dates Exporter

Payvand Company has been able to become the largest supplier of dates in Iran by using the knowledge of its experts during the past years. This company has the ability to supply all kinds of Iranian dates, especially Mazafati dates from Bam and Jiroft with the highest quality in any volume required by the customer.

Preservation of Mazafati dates

largest mazafati dates exporter

Mazafati dates should be stored at a temperature that does not cause the date to rot, with proper conditions and up to date standards. In addition, the value of Mazafati dates for the body, when this date reaches the consumer; Is determined. If stored in proper conditions, dates do not lose their properties.

Many people do not even have enough time for lunch during the day due to work. Dates are a very good alternative for these people.

However, lunch is very important for human health. Unfortunately, in recent years, due to the busy schedule of people and the development of communities, many people do not have a good time for lunch due to their daily jobs.

These people can provide the right energy to continue the day by consuming a few dates. They also pay a very good price to replace their meal with dates.

Payvand Company: The Largest Dates Exporter

Payvand Company, with years of successful experience in international date trade, is one of the leading companies in Iranian date exports.

We harvest the best product from the best groves in Iran and present it to the esteemed customer anywhere in the world, observing the highest standard according to your needs.

What is the difference between Rotab and Dates?

What is the difference between Rotab and Dates?

Dates are ripe and full in four consecutive stages and can be consumed normally. The third stage of these stages is called Rotab. At this stage, the moisture of the product is high and its sugar is low.

Many people think that Rotab is the same as Dates. But there are differences between the two. The ripening process of date fruit has four stages. During these stages, changes in color, taste and size occur. At first, it is hard and green in color, the taste of which is bitter and slightly astringent. Over time, its moisture content decreases and its sugars increase until it is finally ripe. Rotab is the stage before dates that have more moisture and less sugar. Rotab of some types of dates has a good oral consumption. In the ripe date stage, its texture hardens and its moisture is minimized. The color of ripe dates is completely brown to black. At this time, the date has high fructose and glucose and low sucrose. Its texture is uniform and sometimes wrinkled.

PayvandGroup: Mazafati Dates Seller

Payvand Group, as one of the largest companies supplying dates in Iran, is ready to provide a variety of Iranian dates, especially Mazafati dates in bulk or retail, for its customers with the highest quality.

Exporting Mazafati Dates

mazafati dates

Do this to determine the quality of this date. The higher the juice content of a date, the higher the quality and grade of Mazafati dates. This type of date is not considered as a dried fruit and nuts due to its high humidity. These dates are soft dates. Bam Mazafati dates are in great demand both domestically and internationally. Therefore,exporting Mazafati dates is very important for traders and exporters.

The size of the good type of this date is between 2.5 to 4.5 cm. Mazafati dates are the most famous type of dates in Iran and of course in the world. Sometimes they mistakenly use the word Rotab for it. In fact, Rotab is the fresh fruit of the palm tree. Dried Rotab is date.

The color of this date usually tends to dark purple and black. These dates are also available in brown and dark brown. Because this date is red in the first stage of ripening and turns black as it grows.

Payvand Group: Mazafati Dates Supplier

Payvand Group, as one of the companies active in the field of supply and export of Iranian dates, is ready to offer the best products, especially Mazafati dates, to its customers.

Mazafati Dates

mazafati dates

Mazafati dates, can be considered as one of the most delicious types of dates in the world. This date is originally stored as Rotab in cold stores and it is better to mention it as Mazafati Rotab.

Most people who consume this date usually tend to consume it again.

Most foreign customers in the field of exports also buy these dates. You can also have a look at the export of Mazafati dates.

The most ideal color for this type of date is black. The optimum moisture content of this type of date varies between 14% to 36% depending on the harvest time and the cultivated area.

Most of the areas where this crop is grown are Bam city and Jiroft city and surrounding villages Narmashir, Barvat in Kerman Province. The quality of Mazafati dates that are planted in Bam is not comparable to other places where it is planted.

After harvesting and stacking in suitable cartons for consumption, these types of dates are stored in large cold storages, most of which are created in Bam, at a temperature between -5 to 5 degrees Celsius. The most common type of arrangement of this date for domestic consumption and even export is in three-row boxes or so-called 3-row or 2-row cartons, and twelve boxes are arranged in each mother carton. The most ideal weight for domestic use is weights between 8 kg to 10 kg.

In this weight, Mazafati dates have a suitable quality and good syrup, and on the contrary to domestic consumption, for export, weights between 6.5 and 7.5 are used, which are mostly used due to their low syrup and suitable storage conditions.

Unique features of Mazafati dates

This date is mostly related to the name of Rotab and many people know it as Rotab. Many dates have their own name, but in many parts of Iran, Mazafati dates are only called the word Rotab, which is interesting in its kind.

The color that people like for this date and many buyers prefer, is black and even dark black affects the sales of this product. However, this date is also available in brown and dark brown, because this date is red in the first stage to reach itself, and it is interesting to know that it turns black as it grows.

The nature of dates is warm and most people who have a cold temperament for whom they have problems can use these dates as a medicine and in addition to their properties for their body as a medicine for physical health.

Many dates can be stored outdoors, but the storage conditions of these dates are unique and it is recommended that you store these dates in the refrigerator for home consumption and whenever you want to eat, take that date out of the refrigerator an hour earlier and then eat it.

Bam Mazafati dates have some moisture. But the presence of moisture in this date has added a property to this date that has made Mazafati dates in the category of food products, which is also significant in its kind.

Classification of the date by type:

  • Dried Date: It refers to a ripe date which moisture is below 15%
  • Semi Dried Date: It refers to a ripe date with the moisture between 15% to 18%
  • Fresh Date: It refers to a ripe date with the moisture between 18% to 35%

Nutritional value and important properties of Mazafati dates

This date has a large amount of potassium in its natural structure, which can be considered as a medicine for diarrhea.

Dates also have high iron content and natural sugar, which is good for the body. It is interesting to know that most of the sale of Mazafati dates is done inside the country during the holy month of Ramadan, because in this month, many compatriots fast according to Islamic customs and experience a drop in energy and blood sugar during the day. During Eftar, substances should be consumed that quickly restore the lost energy and sugar to the body. Therefore, Mazafati dates are a very suitable and useful food for this purpose.

Mazafati dates in the refrigerator and storage should be in good condition and in accordance with the relevant standards that do not cause the date to rot. In addition, the value of Mazafati dates is provided to the body when these dates are kept in good condition until they reach the consumer and the dates do not lose their properties.

Also, today, due to busy schedules, many people do not even have the right time to eat lunch during the day, and dates can be a good alternative for this job.

Transportation of Mazafati dates and reaching the customer

Late summer in Bam is the time to harvest Mazafati dates. After harvesting in Bam, these dates are stored and packaged and transported to other parts of the country by basic and standard transportation methods, either by land or by air.

After many years and also the existence of various dates in Iran and the world, this date is one of the most consumed and popular dates in the country, so it is necessary to have proper packaging during storage and in addition to the quality of dates, the appearance of dates be suitable.

Suitable refrigerators for storing dates must have proper ventilation system, proper washing area as well as standard classification. Because these dates must be stored in very special conditions. Rooms equipped with methyl gas for disinfection should also be available.

Mazafati dates have different qualities. Factors such as the size of the date, the amount of syrup in the date packaging, which can be natural or artificial, the appearance of the date, which must be dark black, the lack of impact and crushing, as well as the mixing of dates, including factors affecting the price of this type of date

PayvandGroup: Iran Dates Exporter

PayvandGroup as one of the most prominent supplier and exporter of Mazafati Dates, announces its readiness to meet the needs of customers all around the world