Light Mazafati Dates

light mazafati dates

Mazafati dates are one of the most consumed and delicious types of dates in Iran as well as the world. Mazafati dates are cultivated in the tropical regions of southern Iran, including the cities of Bam, Jiroft and Saravan.These dates are very nutritious and high in calories.

Types of Mazafati dates

Mazafati dates have different quality and types based on the production area.Mazafati dates in Bam have a shiny black color and higher quality due to the suitable climate for palm growth.Bam Mazafati Rotab is famous and best-selling in the market.

The term sight seeing of date, which is used when buying and selling dates, is related to the color of dates. To buy this date, you need to pay attention to its color and the amount of date syrup. If you are going to buy dates for sale in the domestic market, usually choose heavy weights and meat dates. Export dates are usually lighter and have a higher shelf life due to less syrup.

Exporters usually prepare and export light Mazafati dates for export. This is because both in terms of storage and transportation conditions, it has more suitable and simple conditions than heavy Mazafati dates.

Payvand Company: Mazafati Dates Supplier

Producing high quality dates is always one of the most important concerns of importers and exporters of this product. Payvand Company, by employing the experts of this industry along with years of experience in the export and trade of dates, gives the assurance to its customers that they can buy the products they need from this company with peace of mind.

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