Steps of ripening dates


Dates are rich in fiber, which can help improve the health of your digestive tract.

The fiber in dates helps prevent constipation and improves the health of your digestive tract. Not only that, but dates are high in potassium and a source of copper.

Steps of ripening dates

1- The first stage is called “Kimri”. This phase lasts 17 weeks. At this stage, the fruit is round at first, but due to rapid growth, the fruit is pulled after five weeks. The color of the fruit is green and the skin is smooth. And because it is regularly added to fruit sugar, its taste gradually becomes sweet.

kimri date

2- The second stage is called “Khalal” or “Khark”or “Bisr”. This period of fruit growth lasts about 16 weeks and in different cultivars, the fruits come in different colors, including light yellow, dark yellow or pink, and finally red. During this period, the sweetness of the fruit is regularly added, but due to the presence of a substance called tannin, the fruit has an astringent and unpleasant taste. At this stage, the flesh of the fruit gradually softens and the skin becomes wrinkled.

3- The third stage of date growth is called “Rotab” or “Rutab”. At this stage, the skin of the fruit becomes transparent and its color changes to a very dark brown. At this stage, the flesh of the fruit becomes completely soft and its astringent taste disappears and the fruit is completely ripe. Many people mistakenly say that dates that are ripe are called Rotab, while the Rutab stage is a stage before the dates are fully ripe.

4- The fourth period is called “Tamr”or “Tamer”. During this period, the fruit loses a lot of water and becomes very sweet. And due to the evaporation of water, the volume of the flesh of the fruit decreases and as a result, the wrinkles of its skin increase.

Payvand Company: The largest supplier of dates in Iran

Payvand Company, having experts in the food and agricultural industry, has always tried to prepare the best and most quality dates in Iran. So that the satisfaction of more than 95% of the company’s customers is a proof of this claim. If you want to prepare your dates for export, you can contact the sales experts of this company.

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