Export of Dates and Important Points In This Field

dates supplier

There is a demand for dates in most parts of the world . Buyers buy dates usually weighing more than 3 kg . Dates can be offered in small packages in European markets. This requires very good packaging and compliance with food standards of buyer countries . Countries Central Asia – India – UAE are the main buyers of Iranian dates . Producers plan on processed date products because it has higher added value . Determining the price of export dates is usually determined by agreement between buyers and sellers. Iranian dates are exported to 52 countries. According to Iranian agricultural experts, about 30% of the country’s dates are exported.

Central Asian countries, Eastern Europe, Asia, North America and the Persian Gulf are among the buyers of Iranian dates. Iranian dates are popular with consumers around the world in terms of taste and can be one of the main sources of income in agriculture. Iran can still Maintain its position as the largest producer and exporter of dates in the world.

Payvand Group: The Largest Dates Supplier

Payvand Group, as the largest supplier of dates in Iran, announces its readiness for any cooperation with dear customers. This group, with its excellent experts in this field , is known as the largest exporter of dates,. Please contact the company’s sales department for more information.

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