What kind of dates should diabetics eat?

payvand dates

Due to its high sugar content, rotab dates change the blood sugar balance in people with diabetes.

In diabetic patients, an increase in blood sugar for the amount of 10 grams of dates of the wet type, which has 5 grams of carbohydrates, is the same as a 5 grams of sugar cube, and therefore eating dates in a diabetic patient is not superior to eating sugar.

People with diabetes, people with metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, as well as people who are prone to herpes should avoid eating some dates.

In diabetics, due to high sugar, Rotab dates change the balance of their blood sugar, so we recommend to these people to eat Khark dates, which grows in Sistan and Baluchestan Province and has less sugar and is released later in the body.

Payvand Company: Bulk Dates Supplier

Payvand Company, as one of the key suppliers of dates in Iran, is an exporter of Iranian dates to all over the world. For more information about the latest products of the company, please contact the sales department.

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